Why does hooking multiple extension cords up to another cause a fire hazard?


Why does hooking multiple extension cords up to another cause a fire hazard?

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7 Answers

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Because it is easy to draw more power from them than they can handle. The most common reason you have a bunch of extension cord is you have a lot of devices connected so you use a lot of power.

It is not inherently unsafe if you are within the limits. But most people do not know what they are and the amount of power that is used.

The fuses in your house are designed to protect the cables in the walls. It is not uncommon that a single outlet max current is lower than the current the circuit is fused to. A single fuse is often connected to multiple outlets so this makes sense.

An exertion coord has a maximum current and it depends on its design, it can be lower the what the wall outlet can handle.

This all means you can’t just threaten a bunch of exertion cords as a bunch of wall outlets. The amount of power a bunch of extension cords can handle is lower, An overload will not trigger a fuze like with a wall outlet. An overload can instead result in wires getting to hot, plastic melt and you can get a fire.

In the vast majority of the electrical system, there are no fuzed outlets or in extension cords. The UK system is an exception

The current limit of extension cords is went he cable is out in the open. So if they are in a small space, covered by something or with other electronics that generate heat they can overheat at an even lower current

Extention coord of the roll type usually can’t handle the max current when rolled up, the will overheat.

So the simple induction to not connecting extension cords to the extension cords is a simple way to avoid problems.

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