Why does hunger come and go in “waves”, even if you don’t eat anything?


For example if you’re intermittent fasting or water fasting, and the hunger comes and goes in waves as opposed to just getting hungrier and hungrier by each passing hour. How come? I do intermittent fasting and my periods of hunger are brief. You’d think the longer I go without eating, the worse my hunger would get but instead, I just get these brief periods of hunger and they eventually disappear, as if I had already eaten.


15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Very simple answer. These waves are controlled by the naturally occurring hormones in your body Ghrelin and Leptin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Exact same thing with me, I don’t eat until 3pm and stop at 9pm. I don’t get hungry until about 10 for only about an hour and then I feel fine

Anonymous 0 Comments

Related: why does eating nothing make you nauseous?

Anonymous 0 Comments

From an evolutionary, or a survival standpoint, it’s because being hungry doesn’t pose an immediate threat to life and limb. While starving is a danger, and hunger a primary motivator, it’s not a pain that needs to be as potent as say, a broken bone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know if I’ll get an answer here but ill try anyway.

In my case, weirdly, i barely ever feel hunger. Like, i can spend all day without food no problem, and still wouldn’t feel hunger. On the very rare occasions i do feel hunger, i can ignore it and it will pass shortly. Like, within 10m, and it’s more like “i could use a snack” in the first place.

In the past, in preparation for a medical procedure, i was forbidden to eat for 2 days, only liquid. Except that i was to have this procedure because of pain, pain that made me not eat. Over 5 days, all i had was 2 pack of ramens ( all i was able to eat ), water and water with chicken broth.

And i still wasnt hungry. Sure, i felt kinda weak and tired, but not hungry.

But why does this happen ? Why do i not feel hunger? Now, i eat when its time to eat, rather than because im hungry. And i can eat as little as i like to, since im not hungry anyway, even tho i do try to eat a portion that makes sense for me, normally.