Why does ice get sticky after you let it stay in freezer for too long?


Whenever I keep the freezer on its minimum temperature and let water stay for too long, the ice cubes become sticky and stick to my fingers. Is it because the water has some impurities?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

More likely it’s is cold enough to freeze to your fingers. Most people have some water on their hands in the form of sweat. When the cube touches your hand it freezes the sweat and that is what causes it to stick. I’d imagine if you touch two of the cubes together they wouldn’t stick all that well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ice doesn’t get sticky on its own no matter how long its frozen.

What you describe is the same as when a kid licks a frozen metal pole and their tongue sticks to it.

The moisture in the surface of their tongue freezes to the frozen surface, making them freeze together.

You fingertips also have moisture on them that freezes on contact with an ice cube when it’s fresh out of the freezer.

As the surface of the icecube warms up then its not cold enough to freeze the moisture on your fingers.