Why does it always seem quieter at night even in remote areas without a lot of noise pollution?


Maybe it’s just me? If it’s not, why is that?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Certain weather conditions in the evening (as the ground cools) lead to a cool layer of air below a warmer layer. This creates a “tunnel” effect by which the sound waves bounce down off the upper layers and thus travel further, making it sound louder than it would do during the day.

For example:


It doesn’t always happen but I do notice the traffic noise from our nearby main road more at night. But also it’s quieter in general so maybe I just noticed it more!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because most activities, whether animal or human, happen during daylight hours. Although there are many nocturnal creatures, most of them sleep at night. Wind also dies down more so, on average, at night. Daytime winds tend to blow with more force than nighttime winds. It is the result of the sun heating the earth’s surface causing air in the lower atmosphere to rise and mix with colder air, causing wind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

At night, our bodies are naturally programmed to wind down and prepare for sleep. This means that our brain activity slows and we become less likely to pay attention to outside noise. Additionally, sound waves travel further and are less obstructed in the cool night air, making distant sounds more audible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I live in a pretty secluded part of the California desert and I’m not sure I agree with the assertion as a blanket statement. The wind and wildlife are louder at night here, whereas human noise pollution is worse during the day.