Why does it feel like the sound is coming from inside your head when you wear a good pair of headphones/earphones?


Feels like I’m in heaven!

In: 207

7 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Sound staging is going to be different across all headphones. Some are designed with open backs to simulate the sound filling a room, while others plug your ears and generate the sound directly in your ear canal.

That feeling of it being inside of your head just means that the plugs are effectively blocking out a lot of external sound while providing a narrow sound stage. Your ears and brain do the rest of the work to transmit and interpret the sound, resulting in it feeling like it’s in your head (since it basically is, with the plugs and all)

ETA: for maximum “in your brain” feeling, you’ll want earphones with no LR split so both sides produce the same sound

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you hear a car driving up from your left, the sound gets to your left ear a little before your right ear. Your brain figures out where a sound is coming from by comparing when the sounds reached each ear. Your brain does a lot of other stuff too, like use the way sound bounces off your ear, how loud it is, and how crisp the sound is to figure out where it came from.

When you put on a nice pair of headphones that are playing the same thing at the exact same time, your brain does the math. No difference in when the sound gets there? Must be directly in front of or behind me. Very crisp, no echoes from walls? Must be really close. No reverb off of my ear? Must be inside the head.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since both sided play music at the same time and loudness

You can’t hear it coming from left or right, so it just balances in the middle of your head

Anonymous 0 Comments

Curious as to which headphones were you trying?

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Locomotive Breath” by Jethro Tull feels like it’s going through your head from one side to the other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Interestingly enough, but slightly unrelated to your question, if your headphones are each generating a sound that is off by no more than 30 Hz, the new resulting frequency that you hear is literally coming from inside your head, i.e. your cerebral cortex. It is generated by your mind. It doesn’t exist outside your head.