: why does it hurt so bad when your sinus gets filled up with water?


: why does it hurt so bad when your sinus gets filled up with water?

In: 6

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because your sinus isn’t meant to be filled up with water. You aren’t mean to be breathing water. Don’t pour water up your nose.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The pain is electrical stimulation.

Regardless of the mineral content, if the pH of water is the same as snot, 5.5-6.5, then snorting a nose full of water doesn’t hurt. There’s no difference in potential.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sinuses are supposed to hold air and the facial bones and membranes that create them are very sensitive to changes. When water enters your sinus, it can create a change in pressure, acidity, salinity, some kind of imbalance, which aggravates the delicate insides of the sinuses and causes pain

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could be a few reasons.

Foremost, increase in pressure due to increase in fluid retention. Cells/tissue in your sinus are great at exchanging fluid… But sometimes it hurts if it happens too fast or too much.

Also possibly… The ph, chlorine, amongst other things..