Why does it matter when others play the “wrong” move at a blackjack table


The odds of the other person getting a card they want doesn’t necessarily change, so why does it effect anybody when a player doesn’t play by the chart

In: 204

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they take away the dealers bust cards. If you hit on a hand that shouldn’t be then you run the risk of taking a ten/face card that would have busted the dealer allowing everyone else to win.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t matter very much. It’s more about preference. Most BJ players who fancy themselves as “Good”, actively avoid playing while others are at the table. They usually get up and move.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t matter because no one knows what card is coming. All you do is increase the house edge over the long run by not playing basic strategy.

But gamblers will always say “you’ve taken the dealer bust card” and conveniently forget when that “wrong” move actually helps them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’re playing at a table with other players against the dealer, is essentially *all players* against the dealer.

The goal is to assist *everyone* at the table to win by forcing the dealer to bust. Shooting for 21 or whatever instead of playing tactically and leaving face cards for the dealer to bust can actually cause everyone at the table to lose

And that will earn you enemies

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Mathematically it makes no difference. Psychologically a lot of people like it when other players on the table are playing by the book and not making mistakes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gambling is *usually* rigged. People say “the house always wins” because when you run the probabilities you usually find that if a person plays the game long enough, they will always spend more money than they win.

Blackjack, however, is interesting because after you’ve seen a certain number of cards you can start to figure out what cards are coming out of the deck with big enough probabilities it “breaks” the house’s advantage. This “card counting” is effective enough casinos will often ask people to leave tables and stop playing blackjack if it’s suspected they are doing it. People who continue might end up banned from the casino.

Those calculations are sometimes based on guesses. It’s *assumed* that if you can see a person with an 8 face up and one card you can’t see, and they hit, that face-down card must be very low because hitting when you are likely to “bust” is not the “right” move. So that impacts your decisions and what cards you think remain in the dealer’s deck, which can affect whether you decide you’ve lost this hand or whether it’s worth the risk to take more cards.

A table of pros will predictably cost the casino money, because they can make decent guesses about the cards they can’t see based on probability. But if you add a few people playing just for fun, their “wrong” moves throw off the card counters and make it harder to measure the probabilities.

So they’re angry, because they have a fairly narrow margin of chances to make a profit, and people making “wrong” moves tilt the odds back towards the house. But it is what it is, especially at cheaper tables a lot of people aren’t there to crunch numbers and exploit the house so much as to burn off a few hours while having some drinks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of these answers are incomplete. If you have a lot of money on the table, and the player next to you makes a bad move (say he hit 16 against a dealer 6), it’s pretty easy to follow the cards and see what would have happened if he played the proper way. All the “well actually” comments about it out in the long run aren’t going to make you feel any better in that moment.

That being said, I can’t control anyone else so I try not to worry about how they play.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Short answer: it doesn’t matter to the mathematical odds.

Longer answer: gamblers aren’t always the smartest people, and they don’t understand that your actions aren’t going to impact the odds of them making or losing money. Those odds will remain consistent. However, they will notice when it causes them a loss while conveniently ignoring the times it causes them to win.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While the odds are the same, if they sit after you, they then see the card that they would have had… vs now the one they do not know.

It is not logical, but perception