Why does it matter when others play the “wrong” move at a blackjack table


The odds of the other person getting a card they want doesn’t necessarily change, so why does it effect anybody when a player doesn’t play by the chart

In: 204

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll give an example:

Say the last person to play has 15 and the dealer has a 6. Following the ‘rules’, the player should sit. But say they hit and got a 10 (busted), then the dealer got a 10 then a 5, giving them 21. If the person had played to the ‘rules’, then they would have sat and the dealer would have gotten two 10’s and busted, meaning everyone else on the table would probably win. But because they played differently, most other people on the table would have lost.

Based on this one hand, the player has caused others to loose money, although no one would know before the dealer played. Of course, not following the rules could just as easily turn a winning hand for the dealer into a losing one, but the other players don’t care about that as much as someone who has just lost them money. And people can get quite superstitious when it comes to gambling with real money, so it’s best not to piss them off.

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