Why does it still feel like you have your sunglasses on top of your head after you’ve removed them?


Why does it still feel like you have your sunglasses on top of your head after you’ve removed them?

In: 14

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Follow up question: why is it just when you lose or cannot find your sunglasses they are in fact on your head, resting without us being able to feel them?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sorry for lengthy explanation, but if you read through it, you may learn something that many don’t know.

Because your body gets used to nerves sending data to the brain, in short.
Heat, cold, pressure… your brain will stop analyzing that data, if it keeps coming.

Take a dip in the ocean, and you’ll feel how cold it is, but just for a minute or so.
Wearing pants or shoes; if you never have worn these, it will actually start to hurt a bit, as your skin keeps sending all that data about something pressing against you, overwhelming your brain.
As you grow up, your body learns to ignore certain things, like wearing pants.

So, wearing sunglasses on top of your head, will be ignored by your body, until you remove them; that’ll trigger a new response, as those nerves are kind of numb, now, sending a “wrong” impulse to your brain.
Ignoring an itch will cause your body to stop telling you that there’s an itch, eventually.

Try wearing a heavy backpack for a while, and it’ll feel like you’re about to float away after dropping it. Same thing there; your body is used to the extra weight, so your whole system is sending data to your brain, telling it how much lighter it is. Overwhelmimg your brain.

There’s a special nerve, called “spider nerve” if translated directly from Swedish, I don’t know the English word, and it’ll automatically tell your muscles how much they need to work.
That is why you can catch something that someone throws at you, immediately adjusting for it’s weight.
A certain object may be heavier than you thought, but it’s not the brain that’s telling your muscles to increase the lift; it’s that special nerve being stretched out, automatically sending a LIFT-signal to the muscles, so that you won’t drop that object, simply because the brain is too slow to react.

Something that is very hot or cold? Yup, it’s nerves sending a response to your muscles via the spine, telling your muscles to remove your hand, while the sensation is going to your brain to be analyzed.
That’s why you feel the pain AFTER already having removed your hand from, let’s say, the boiling water.

Your nerves works faster, saving your body from damage, but… yeah, they can temporarily mess up, like when something is NOT against your skin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reason it feels like you have your sunglasses on top of your head after you’ve removed them is because the frame of the sunglasses leaves an imprint on your skin.