Why does it take game developers so long to fix very obvious bugs/issues?


Not trying to criticize anyone, just curious about the process.

When I report a bug that the developer acknowledges, why does it take so long to fix it? For example, 2 months ago I report a bug where the characters weapon disappears in this very specific area. 2 months later, after several updates, the bug is still there and the response I get is, “we are still trying to find a fix for this”.

In: 7

15 Answers

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[This story] (https://kotaku.com/outer-worlds-developer-finds-bug-that-caused-companions-1840416626) talks about a particularly prevalent bug in The Outer Worlds in which follower NPCs were dying even when they should have been immune to death – the QA team had to spend a lot of time testing basically every possible way to kill an NPC and find out what might have caused the follower NPC’s immunity to death to not happen. The end result was a bit of weirdness that I can’t imagine how they thought to test it, but if a follower was climbing a ladder when you started talking to another follower, something didn’t trip when they reached the top of the ladder and so that first follower just… kept climbing… until they died for being too far out of bounds (which was likely a hard check to get them back in bounds of the game).

Now, that is a game that that team, from my understanding, did the bulk of the coding for. That isn’t always true. Particularly for visual issues, it likely is due to a weird edge case or quirk of the rendering engine, which I am confident saying 99% of game developers didn’t code themselves.

So even if it is highly reproducible, it might be hard to track down what part of the code is actually interacting weirdly.

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