Why does it take game developers so long to fix very obvious bugs/issues?


Not trying to criticize anyone, just curious about the process.

When I report a bug that the developer acknowledges, why does it take so long to fix it? For example, 2 months ago I report a bug where the characters weapon disappears in this very specific area. 2 months later, after several updates, the bug is still there and the response I get is, “we are still trying to find a fix for this”.

In: 7

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In no particular order: reproducibility, cost, and priority ranking.

Reproducibility – while not apparently applicable to your specific example, sometimes problems appear due to unknown conditions. If you don’t know how to make it happen, you can’t get to figuring out what causes the issue, and then fix it.

Cost – this issue may take a lot of resources to fix. It may not be a simple issue, a code change may ripple into other aspects of the software. And then you’ll have to do regression testing, making sure that everything still works after the change.

Priority ranking – ties into cost, there can be dozens or hundreds of open bug reports. There are only so many people, and so many hours in the day, that you have to be choosy which issues you want to devote the time and money towards. If it’s considered an issue you can live with – maybe it only pops up very rarely, or under odd circumstances – then it’s not as important as something that could impact gameplay or crash the system.

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