Why does Japan still have a declining/low birth rate, even though the Japanese goverment has enacted several nation-wide policies to tackle the problem?


Why does Japan still have a declining/low birth rate, even though the Japanese goverment has enacted several nation-wide policies to tackle the problem?

In: 12200

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One other reason — being a proper Japanese mother and wife is incredibly competitive and high pressure.

You are judged on your performance in so many ways — whose bento is the cutest? whose kid has the highest grade? which kid is best dressed? which kid has the best manners/knows more poetry/did the prettiest drawing? etc.

You have to hand sew a bunch of stuff for your kid PERFECTLY. If your kid does poorly/looks sloppy/behaves badly, it reflects poorly on you, not them. You have to bring the tastiest treat to PTA, be the best dressed mother, etc., and if you don’t take it seriously, lots of other moms will be quick to cut you out. As well as your mother-in-law. And this matters in Japan, where the connections that help your kids succeed are particularly important.

It can really be a total hell.

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