Why does knocking someone out with your own head not also knock you out?


Why does knocking someone out with your own head not also knock you out?

In: 7

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t knock people out with your head.

Impacts are not a reliable way to force someone unconscious, anyway, but during a headbutt you place the hard part of your skull (forehead) against a soft part of their face (nose). This is not going to knock anybody unconscious, but it *is* going to hurt like hell.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t base your expectations of biology on movies. Slamming your head into someone else’s will hurt you just as much as them.

The “headbutt” such as it is as an actual combat move doesn’t involve slamming your head into someone else’s.

It involves slamming your head into their nasal dorsum. AKA the bridge of the nose.

Which is a LOT more fragile than someone’s skull. And a broken nose causes immediate tearing in the eyes and quite possibly the inability to breathe because of blood pouring down your nasal passageways

You can’t really knock someone out by slamming your head into theirs. Not without messing yourself up pretty bad.

You can absolutely break someone’s nose though

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you do a headbutt should aim for the nose. It’s brittle enough and will break without you getting a concussion, also being very painful for the receiver.