Why does MS Word open files in “Protected Mode”? Like is there really any threat for a “Protected Mode” to be needed?


Why does MS Word open files in “Protected Mode”? Like is there really any threat for a “Protected Mode” to be needed?

In: 24

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Word documents can contain embedded programs. These programs can do things like respond to clicks, or do things like have drop down lists for forms.

It is a common ploy for hackers to embed viruses and malware into word files.

Protected mode deactivates embedded programs, so prevents any malware activating, until you deactivate the protection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a question that only someone who hasn’t had their shared document accidentally fucked with by a colleague could ask…

I mean, in all serious, it’s just a read only view of the document so that you can’t inadvertently edit it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

2 main things that MS office is donig by enforcing protected mode by default.

1: it prevented unwanted alteration: this is important if the files are meant ot be shared but not edited.

2:Office docments can contain embedded programs in the form of Macros and VBscript. This can be a problem because these 2 types of programs are executable and some instances of malware exploit this. protected mode doesnt allow these scripts/macros to execute

Anonymous 0 Comments

Word (well Office) documents can contain executable code. That code can be made to run upon opening the document. That code could also be malicious, exploiting a loophole somewhere allowing it to do things code from a Word document shouldn’t be able to do.

So Word opens document in a safe mode first where code in it is not executed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know that viruses are a real concern, but I turn off all the warnings like this that make me click OK or X out of when I open the same document for the 100th time. Macros are another annoyance as all my company templates have Macros. I don’t understand why, if I only have modified a file since I last clicked OK, can’t Office remember my last selection.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Word, Excel documents etc have a history of being used as a Trojan horse kind of attack.

You open up the file and most often the virus or other malicious code in it takes advantage of an exploit in the software. It injects the code into a crack in the software and infects the rest of the computer.

Some that can’t get pass the program will scan or send copies of other documents open into the internet. Hoping you have some kind of useful document open etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Word files can contain macros and various executables. This is a prime vector of malware infection. Typical use today is to embed a file that could be of interest to a kind of target and mass send them. the typical payload would be a video for regular clueless people.

Dont open them. Dont bother checking them. Delete them and tell your family about it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Google “enable developer mode in word.” All the options you’ve just opened up allow you to make macros. This is useful for making interactive forms, but really, you could make the macro do just about anything. It’s a very powerful tool, which means it can also be used for powerful evil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you open a word doc and all it is is a message to disable protected mode, then that doc is almost certainly just a virus and disabling protected mode will infect you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok, so I understand the theory behind not being able to edit it or save it but does the print button really need to be disabled? If I’m already previewing it safely, can we not just print that preview? Because that’s literally 90% of why I disable Protected View for, just to print a hard copy of the document.