Why does music (especially cinematic, grand, or inspirational ones) trigger goosebumps?


Was just listening to Hans Zimmer’s Time, which inspired this question.

In: 856

28 Answers

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As you look at the context of musical scores in movies and cinema the same thing and context that happens in the music you listen to is a Key role here…. The Chord Progression

So when piano keyboard synth guitars etc come together and wish to create pleasant music you’re going to understand that the scale is also pretty important; for example(search in Reddit for which scales are the most emotional/grand/spooky ones)

Now combining all of these is not like cracking the egg and putting it in on normal heat to get baked…
you need to know the context of what you want to do!

Is it inspirational? Is it foreseeing something? Does is want to warn you? Maybe it’s about longing for a particular someone? And many more

Spoiler warning if you hadn’t watched All Quiet on the western front 2022…
However, if you did watch it… you realize a theme… DUUUUM DUM DUM.
that part in particular by using instruments that are harsh and sound big is trying to foresee a big event… or as they call it… the calmness before the storm, the grandness of ww1

Other examples are star wars episode 1 in particular, The Duel Of Fates which John Williams conducted perfectly

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