Why does night photography require the use of manual controls while daytime photography can get by with Auto Mode?


Why does night photography require the use of manual controls while daytime photography can get by with Auto Mode?

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’ll be a better answer along in a minute but…

The electronics in cameras work because they expect a lot of light.

The autofocus, for instance, needs to see a line/shape and then make it the best line/shape it can be by adjusting the lens. It needs a good chunk of light to do that.

Night photography can involve leaving the shutter open for 1,2,5 up to 60 seconds or more.

The software in the camera to is built to come to a decision in milliseconds. And by the time it times out (0.1 sec?) then it doesn’t have enough information to decide.

Cameras can have ‘night’ modes to try and counteract these issues…?

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