why does popcorn seem to pop at a somewhat consistent rate regardless of the amount, instead of all of them popping closer to at the same time?


why does popcorn seem to pop at a somewhat consistent rate regardless of the amount, instead of all of them popping closer to at the same time?

In: Physics

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

2 primary reasons assuming all kernals are of nearly equivalent size, which popcorn companies try really hard to do.

1) when a kernal pops the water inside the kernal flash boils and turns to steam. The phase change from liquid to gas absorbs heat and cools the area around it.

2) the container the kernals are in heats from the outside in, so the kernals on the perimeter will get hotter faster.

All these arguments about different kernal-wall/layer thickness and water content doesn’t really hold up. These are micrometer and picoliter differences that matter little when blasted with 1200 watts of radiation.

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