Why does powdered baby formula dissolve perfectly in water, but protein powder (or even chocolate for chocolate milk) usually clump up?


Why does powdered baby formula dissolve perfectly in water, but protein powder (or even chocolate for chocolate milk) usually clump up?

In: Chemistry

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

First; you’re not mixing your protein powder well enough. Use a blender, shake longer than you think you need to, and keep track of how long you shake it. If it’s still clumping, shake more. Keep shaking until it’s mixed thoroughly, note how long it took you, and just do that from now on.

Second; protein powder won’t clump if you pour it in an empty cup and then pour hot liquid over it. If you use hot liquids, it’ll just dissolve real easily with some stirring. If you want to use a cold liquid, pour the liquid in first and add the powder in afterward.

Third: brand matters. Some brands clump more than others, usually due to a binding agent. Many brands use anti-“clumping” agents to prevent it.

Anonymous 0 Comments
