Why does punching an appliance sometimes seem to fix it?


So I live in military barracks and i have a shitty fridge in my room. It started making this horrible noise, and out of desperation I landed a solid right hook to the side of it. Like magic, the noise stopped. This has happened numerous times in my life. Something is broken, and some brute force fixes it. What happens inside that could solve the problem from percussive force?

In: 239

19 Answers

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In aviation, we call it concussive maintenance. The idea is sometimes circuit cards can wiggle out of their slots. With an appropriate amount of force, you can drop it and the card will correct itself within the unit, no need to open. This saves time over taking the unit off the plane, sending it to I-level, waiting for them to do nothing and send it back.

For your fridge specifically, I don’t know. Maybe it had the equivalent to a clot somewhere? That’s outside my field.

Source: Hooyah

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