Why does punching an appliance sometimes seem to fix it?


So I live in military barracks and i have a shitty fridge in my room. It started making this horrible noise, and out of desperation I landed a solid right hook to the side of it. Like magic, the noise stopped. This has happened numerous times in my life. Something is broken, and some brute force fixes it. What happens inside that could solve the problem from percussive force?

In: 239

19 Answers

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You likely either cleared a blockage to the condenser fan or wedged it with whatever was causing the noise, preventing the fan from moving. Over the next few days I want you to place your hand on the areas between the doors, the strip between the freezer and fridge compartment is the most obvious place to check for fan blockage that doesn’t require a screwdriver. If it’s hot you need to unplug the fridge and call someone up because your fan is no longer cooling and this can cause a fire.

Usually, when an appliance is making a noise, it’s because something is loose and rattling around while the motor or fans are running and a quick slap can move whatever parts are touching for short amounts of time before it inevitably finds it’s way back to where it was before.

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