why does putting wireless earbuds in make some sounds seem louder?


I’m currently on a train filled with rowdy football lads being rowdy, so I put my wireless earbuds in on the hope that would block out some of the noise. But the voices around me only got louder. Is there a scientific explanation for this? I figured it was something to do with how soundwaves travel through plastic but I don’t know much about acoustics.


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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

most noise cancelling technology lacks the ability to process high-pitch sounds (people talking, screeching sounds, etc.) quick enough to completely silence them, making them clearer and more noticeable than low-pitch sounds. either you’re mistaking higher pitch sounds being more noticeable as “louder”, or you have transparency mode on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do your buds have settings for different types of environments? I had a pair that I could set through an app or a series of taps that would filter out more or less outside noise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If these are basic earbuds with no option for letting in ambient noise (many high end earbuds have such an option) then you might not be making a good vacuum with the silicon tips.

Is it “in ear” one where the silicon tips are inserted inside the ear canal and forms a nice vacuum? If yes then you should test the different sizes of silicon tips and choose one which forms a good vacuum inside the ears.

If these are like the first gen Apple airpods which just hang inside the ear canal with no silicon tip then you are out of luck, such earbuds are useless in blocking outside noise.