why does region locking exist?


It’s something that has annoyed me for quite a while. Like having nowhere to watch certain DBS movies that would already be on streaming services that I have, but because I live in America it doesn’t exist there

In: 11

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different countries have different laws.

Almost universally this results in a major international business starting a subsidiary for each country they’re involved in. Eg. Nintendo America, Nintendo Japan, and Nintendo UK are all separate companies. All owned by Nintendo Inc.

What this means is that typically with media companies they have to buy the rights through *each* of their subsidiaries. So they try to balance what will get the most bang for their buck. Maybe it costs $10 million to bring it to America, but then it’s got an audience of 330 million people. That’s a worthwhile deal. But maybe it also costs $10 million to bring it to Switzerland. So now it costs $10 million to reach 8 million people. Not as good a deal. It might not be worth doing.

Sometimes laws *about content* actually are the reason. Like no gay stuff in Russia, no Nazi stuff in Germany, nothing about organ harvesting in Australia. Sometimes there’s just laws about it. So companies don’t bother breaking the law for the potential to make a couple bucks.

But most of the time it’s for economical reasons. Just doesn’t get the required ROI.

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