Why does reverse psychology work?


Why does reverse psychology work?

In: 23

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all the time. People who are susceptible to reverse psychology are acting out a child like, regressed, unconscious role. These people are prone to routine so they enact lazily a routine in the search of resolving their issue. They probably expect something to happen in a specific way so by subverting expectation it makes their goal less desirable.

A common one is relationship disputes. For example, a partner may expect an argument when they come home and instinctually try to provoke one to assert the space needed to recuperate from their job. Your instinct would be to become defensive and people typically fall for those instinctive traps. By doing something unexpected it breaks and avoids the routine that would cause distress.

Reverse psychology is a gamble as not every situation is the same. Especially when someone is particularly mindful of their actions and speech. It is better to be skilful in social situations rather than oddballing everyone because you think you are being clever.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think there are likely different definitions of what ‘reverse psychology’ actually consists of.

Probably the simplest example is wanting someone to do or have something (to go on vacation, or to eat their vegetables, or pick up toys, or do the dishes because its your turn). Instead of nagging them to do the thing, one withholds it and calls their attention to the fact that they can’t have it.

There seems to be a desire mechanism common to mammals that if they are told they can’t have something, they automatically want it now. This may be a reaction to scarcity as a survival instinct, but not sure that has ever been defined.

“We will never have time for vacation so let’s just stop trying to plan for one. ” Suddenly the SO reacts negatively to this statement and wants that vacation, which previously they had not agreed to.

“Let’s just leave the toys all over the floor, and probably other people will take them, but it’s easier than putting them away.” Suddenly someone wants those toys stowed out of sight.

It’s always a risk that the other party will agree with the negative reasoning, though.

Anecdotal example: I’ve been getting my dog to eat a treat-medication that he rejects by first showing it to him quickly and them carrying it away from him while holding it down where he can see it and possibly reach it, with effort. The dog immediately wants the thing that is going away and goes after it. When the dog grabs it in his mouth and tries to take it, I hold on and he has to tug and make an effort to have it. THEN he will eat it. I was coached to do this by a dog trainer. It’s working. 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll give my take… if my mother (back in the day) told me i needed to do something i’d feel compelled to do the opposite to prove that I’m my own person and can make my own damn decisions. Is that a healthy response?? Absolutely not. But the need to rebel and be an individual is innate in most people and will work in certain cases. It doesn’t work in cases where the obvious choice being presented is correct or wrong and doesn’t work on most responsible adults that dont have insecurities. I use it on my daughter sometimes to varying degrees of success but it only works on her because at the age of 8 she thinks she knows everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lol when reverse psychology works you mean. Reverse Psychology is a manipulation tactic that works on a defense mechanism by the person that it targets. By giving into the reverse psychology, the victim is fooled into thinking that rebellion or rejection to the offer is in fact their own idea. Since they came the conclusion on their own, they far more likely to accept it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait, you ain’t pulling none of that reverse psychology stuff on me, are ya?