Why does salt make everything taste better? Why do humans like it?


Why does salt make everything taste better? Why do humans like it?

In: 4614

19 Answers

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basically your body has learned to love the things it needs badly and are super useful like fat sugar and salt. its your bodies way of saying that its very usefull for your body.

fortunately we have an overabundance of food now and even the poorest in my country can get fat on free meal services.

sadly this means we crave the things that are full of energy and fast to use and help our bodies immediately in hard times so following our bodies urges can easily lead to obesity.

your body doesnt know that every winter you still get to eat strawberries and oranges and steaks and fatty foods whether you live in the arctic or the desert.

your body doesnt know that water is available to you in mere seconds.

your body just wants to be ready for the worst and those urges drove your ancestors to pack on extra fat and keep well hydrated and to survive the hardest times

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