Why does salt make everything taste better? Why do humans like it?


Why does salt make everything taste better? Why do humans like it?

In: 4614

19 Answers

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Because it’s an incredibly important nutrient, and we would die fairly quickly without it. Salt is necessary for countless chemical processes in the body, especially in your muscles.

We evolved to enjoy the taste of things that helped us survive and pass on our genes, and that’s what salt does.

It’s also fairly rare to find in the wild. Many animals remember the locations of salt deposits and travel huge distances to get to them. This could be a salty pool, or even a salty rock face that animals will lick at for ages just to get tiny amounts of salt.

Like most ‘unhealthy’ things these days, the damage comes from us taking far too much of it. Salt is essential for your body to function, but when you pour it in every meal and snack, are already overweight, and don’t exercise, you’re asking for a heart attack.

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