why does salt water help in healing mouth ulcers or any oral surgery with tear in gums or cuts inside cheeks


why does salt water help in healing mouth ulcers or any oral surgery with tear in gums or cuts inside cheeks

In: 8021

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because those things are inflamed in your mouth. Meaning they’re a bit swollen and extra irritated and painful because of that.

By rinsing with salt water the salt in the water and the salt that gets left on the inside of your mouth will “pull” water out of those inflamed areas through Osmosis. When this happens it reduces swelling which reduces pain.

It also can make things heal quicker because by reducing swelling you stop repeatedly damaging the spot. It’s like when you bite your cheek and then keep biting it over and over. That’s because now it is swollen. If you reduce the swelling, you’ll stop accidentally biting it. Letting it heal.

Anonymous 0 Comments

salt helps kill the bacteria causing mouth ulcers or preventing healing by raising the PH and promotes healing by calling in more of the natural proteins the body produces to heal the mouth.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason we preserve food in salt- it creates an environment that bacteria can’t live in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My dogs toe was so swollen it was bursting at the seams but all that local vets were booked. My brother is a vet and told me to soak it twice a day in warm salt water. By the time an appointment was available my dogs toe was better.

Salt water helps so many things and is practically free. It’s the best.

Salt water baths are really relaxing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kills bacteria without damaging tissue. Hydrogen peroxide is the very worst thing to use on cuts or sores as it damages soft tissue.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, would rinsing your mouth with salt water be helpful with dental hygiene?

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Anonymous 0 Comments

From my understanding (and I’m no expert) the mouth will heal rapidly anyway because it’s a survival thing – we need to be able to eat – so the mouth has a huge amount of blood vessels to bring the healing white blood cells to the area.

The salt water is just to keep the wound clean, it acts like an anti-bacterial.