Why does shifting one’s weight on a scale change the readout?


This is regarding a digital bathroom scale; idk if it happens on analog ones, too. I’ve noticed that shifting my weight to one foot, to the balls of my feet vs my heels, etc. changes the weight readout–sometimes up to two pounds’ difference! So I’m curious to know why changing the weight distribution even a tiny bit affects the readout so drastically, when the same amount of weight is still on the scale.

In: 25

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The weight isn’t evenly distributed along the scale. The plate you’re standing on isn’t directly tied to the “weight-o-meter” and it has some play. Because of that, if the center of mass you’re putting onto the plate isn’t directly above it’s center, the plate isn’t putting all of the weight of you onto the “weight-o-meter”

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