Why does silicone color mixing work?


Like the thing with the rollers and different coloured silicone. Why do they combine? I would think pressing them together would just make it layered, and would not mix them together.

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3 Answers

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I believe this also has something to do with the way our eyes and brain process light. Our eyes only detect 3 different colors, red, blue, and green. Yellow light exists in between true red and true green so both receptors are triggered “half way” and your brain processes this as yellow. If you put yellow paint under a microscope, you actually don’t see yellow and see red specs and green specs, but “zoomed out” you see yellow because your eye receptors are only so small and can’t pic up on the small difference of all those specs and blends them together. So you’re right, the silicone probably just layered the greens and red silicone. But, make enough layers at a small size, your eyes can no longer detect them as separate layers, so it looks yellow.

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