why does simply having XY or XX chromosomes not necessarily dictate sex?


i’ve been out of school for a while, but when i was in school, there was no mention of any SRY gene and it’s functions and ability to travel to either X or Y and implications and all of that. It’s a little confusing for me at the moment so could someone explain?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Long story short, when teaching a bunch of 15 year olds biology, they dont go into every detail and exception at a university level.

You were also taught plants need sunlight to survive, yet there are plants that grow in the dark.
You were taught a lot of things that are true in 99% of the cases.

People somehow fail to understand that having a basic understanding of a subject also means you lack some deeper knowledge on the subject.

As for genetics and the XX/XY system.
It’s just a simplification of how things really work.

I’m no biologist.
I couldnt explain it better than that system
It’s a fine system for a large percentage of cases
But it’s not how it works all the time

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