Why does sleeping in a car feel different than normal sleep?


When i fall asleep on car trips it kinda of feels like I’m asleep but Concious at the same time. I can hear conversations, music, etc. why does this happen?

In: Physics

18 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

The first night effect. Half your brain stays on when you sleep in a new location (the car isn’t new but your surroundings are)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically the change in speed/inertia triggers you to wake up. If you’ve ever seen Inception, it has a similar concept. The “kick” in the movie is the change in inertia causing them to wake up

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you’re not really asleep. Especially with bad roads and/or drivers, you’re consciously trying to keep your body from being thrown around by the little motions the car is making.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In general, sleeping somewhere unfamiliar to your regular ‘bedroom’ (including hotels, cars etc.) your brain only switches half off. The other half is alert to potential danger. Over time your brain decides your new ‘bedroom’ is safe enough to switch off the other half of your brain and you can sleep normally.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whenever I fall asleep in a car, I can hear conversations, the radio and such. But whatever they are talking about is completely changed to what my mind makes up. Anyone else experience this ?