Why does sleeplessness hinder brain function?


We know that not getting enough sleep can cause deliriousness and that sleep is needed for effective brain function-

But why?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of your brain as a warehouse.

When you’re awake, pallets of information and memories get unloaded, stored, and removed. However, this is a messy process. In the middle of all this scramble, things get misplaced, forklifts run into other goods, and the warehouse gets messier and messier.

When you sleep, the normal work crew clocks out and the evening cleaning shift comes in to tidy things up. Fallen goods get placed back on the shelves. Fresh memories get moved so they are more easily accessable or to long term storage. And the warehouse aisles are cleaned to be ready for a new day.

If you don’t sleep, the warehouse starts out messy. It takes longer for your brain to do anything because the workers have to avoid all the spilled goods. Other things may not be organized so it takes longer to find the relevant information. Things that you crammed when you pull an all nighter are precariously stuffed on the shelves rather than safely placed in long term storage.

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