Why does some mucus/drainage make your throat sore and other times it doesn’t affect your throat at all?


When you are sick many times the drainage is making your throat sore and if you cough it up, it temporarily improves your throat soreness. Other times, its just there but doesn’t make your throat sore

In: 31

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two cups per day of mucus travels from nose down through the throat and is swallowed every day. I think it’s most wise to assume mucus / drainage never makes our throat sore but instead there are other times where other things make the throat sore. If it was mucus’s fault we live our life in daily misery.

Periodic viruses, dryness from mouth breathing, throat clearing reflex and it’s own mechanical irritation, tonsilloliths, mechanical injury from foods, potential allergic phenomena, lymph node and adenoid enlargements, referred pain from other locations, muscular spasm from the base of the tongue and hyoid region, material sometimes stuck in the vallecula, snoring is a cause of mouth breathing, chronic nasal congestion is a cause of mouth breathing are all possible things to blame. No Doubt there are more

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