Why does some music make me feel sad or give me a sense of low level dread?


I have started listening to some of those ASMR music videos to help with concentration, to help with anxiety, or to help me relax to go to sleep. Once in a while, the music just hits me wrong, and I have to find something else to listen to or turn it off. I’m trying to figure out what works best for me. I like a lot of different kinds of music, especially piano and flute.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One of may reasons can be attributed to the body being quite sensitive, but often consciously unaware of lower frequencies in the audio/mechanical spectrum. (below 20Hz, or 20 cycles per second). Low levels of these sounds or vibrations have been proven to have direct triggering factors, and when your brain associates these with past experiences you get the bad (or good) underlying feeling you cant quite put your finger on. In nature the best example of this is low frequencies associated with earthquakes or large oncoming climactic events – animals en-mass detect these and their then immediate behavior (which we can see) reflects this. It is quite spooky to suddenly hear the jungle go quiet, or a flock of noisy birds all shut up at once. I hope this helps a little – it is one possible answer of many good ones I suspect.

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