Why does spending the day in the sun exhaust our bodies so much?


Why does spending the day in the sun exhaust our bodies so much?

In: 19

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

your body has to do work to try to keep itself cool. your heart has to do more work to send blood to your skin to cool you down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve never noticed this effect, are you drinking enough water?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Consider, laying in the sun is you exposing yourself to the largest Fusion Reactor within
a few light years that is bombarding your body with EM Radiation all across the spectrum.

Anonymous 0 Comments

various reasons such as dehydration (eg even in the shade, you are losing lots of wayer whzn you go to the beach) but also because sunlight can change how your body produces melatonin which affects your natjral sleep wake cycle.

discussed, with citations, here



Why does spending the day in the sun exhaust our bodies so much?

In: 19

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

your body has to do work to try to keep itself cool. your heart has to do more work to send blood to your skin to cool you down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve never noticed this effect, are you drinking enough water?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Consider, laying in the sun is you exposing yourself to the largest Fusion Reactor within
a few light years that is bombarding your body with EM Radiation all across the spectrum.

Anonymous 0 Comments

various reasons such as dehydration (eg even in the shade, you are losing lots of wayer whzn you go to the beach) but also because sunlight can change how your body produces melatonin which affects your natjral sleep wake cycle.

discussed, with citations, here
