Why does spicy food burn your butt but not your urethra?


Even if you eat like a spicy soup?

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38 Answers

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Liquids don’t go right from your mouth to your bladder – the kidneys filter out water and certain waste products from your blood. And the chemical that makes food spicy, capsaicin, is actually not soluble in water – it’s hydrophobic, and dissolves in oils instead. Your kidneys try to handle only the water-soluble waste products, such as urea, which is our main way of getting rid of excess nitrogen compounds in the body.

So capsaicin doesn’t leave your body through pee, because only water-soluble waste products get sent that way. Some of it is broken down and digested by your body, and turned into other chemicals. But some of it (especially if you’re eating really spicy foods, which also irritate and speed up the digestive tract) will pass through undigested, which can burn on the way out.

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