Why does spicy food burn your butt but not your urethra?


Even if you eat like a spicy soup?

In: 479

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re mouth and your butt are two ends of the same tube so the spicy parts, capsaicin, can make it all the way from the entry through the exit. You’re urethra is connected to your bladder which is filled by your kidneys from water in your blood which was absorbed from the contents of your food tube, primarily in the intestines. The capsaicin does not make it through that process because it’s not water soluble.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you are eating spicy enough, it does. Only has happened a couple times and I routinely eat superhots, but when it happens you’ll know it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because- and most people don’t know this- urine comes from your blood- not your digestive system like solid waste.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the biggest thing people fail to understand is that what comes out of your butt never really went into your body. From your mouth to your anus is essentially a tunnel going through, so it isn’t inside your body, it’s outside of it. You’re absorbing what’s usable but the garbage never really goes in. Your body has no use for that fire, then it’s coming out the other end. Enjoy it both times. Also why you poop corn or peanuts, and can swallow something not food and poop it out. It never goes in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I love spicy food but if this was a side effect I would never touch it after the first time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why does spicy food not burn my butt? I love spicy food, never had this problem. I thoght my husband was a freak for complaining about it, but the internet says this is a real thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If your pee isn’t burning, you haven’t eaten something spicy enough. It _will_ burn when you pee if your food has enough spice to it.

Source: have eaten an entire Carolina reaper pepper, as well as hot sauces with capsaicin extract. Have had burning pee from it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hottest food I’ve ever eaten was in a Mexican restaurant in Delhi. They actually spiced it up so even Indians would feel the heat. This gora can normally keep up with his Indian friends in spicy food, but. . . God damn.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Poop is undigested or partly digested food plus millions of (mostly dead) intestinal flora. Capsaicin is hard to digest so there’s still some left to poop out and hurt your anus.

Pee is stuff that your kidneys filter out of your bloodstream. With a very few exceptions like asparagus, food that you eat isn’t going to have recognizable representation in your urine, as what your intestines absorb into your blood is mostly tiny building blocks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Capsaicin which is an oil…. Can go all the way through the the intestines…. If it’s absorbed into the blood at all (I’m not sure how absorption itself works) your liver and kidneys filter out most things the body can use and gets rid of what is ultimately urine.