Why does spicy food burn your butt but not your urethra?


Even if you eat like a spicy soup?

In: 479

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You poo is the leftover bits of what you ate that didnt get absorbed and digested. So leftover spicy capcasin can come through thay way bexause its not been chemically altered if it didn’t get absorbed.

But your piss is the acidic waste products of your electrolyte balance in your blood. It’s not spicy for the same reason the blood in your veins isn’t spicy ‐ your digestion breaks those chemicals into inert pieces or filters them out before it reaches your blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s a horrible question. How can you make me ponder on that? I love it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The spicy chemical (capsaicin) doesn’t like to dissolve well in water, which is mostly what urine is. So, just like the rest of the waste which doesn’t exit that way, it joins your poop and will exit that way

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who regularly eats Carolina reaper sauce with their food.

*It does*

You’re just not having enough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Strangely enough I’ve never had spicy things burn on the way out. Ever. And I’ve done many hottest wing sauce challenges at restaurants

Anonymous 0 Comments

All the stuff that comes out in pee dissolves in water (well generally. I hope you never have a kidney stone).

Everything that can’t be dissolved or absorbed by our body goes out as solid waste.

Spicy stuff doesn’t dissolve in water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because poop is formed by the leftovers from food, bile and mucus after all the good stuff is removed.

Piss is formed more actively, About 50 gallons of very dilute water is filtered from your kidneys, Nearly all of it is resorbed, Specially cells grab all the stuff your body wants to keep such as Sodium and Vitamin C and sends those back to the blood.

Also the body never absorbs the capsacin from hot foods as it’s not a nutrient so it says in the intestines. The kidneys don’t have access to it since it’s not in the blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your digestive system for solid food is basically just a tube, so the spicy bits that don’t get digested fully or still retain some of the spicy chemicals make it all the way to your butthole and burn.

Urine is different though. Fluid gets absorbed from your digestive system, getting filtered through membranes and such, then goes into your bloodstream to circulate through your cells, before finally getting the extra water and contaminants filtered out by your kidneys and dumping into your bladder. Those layers of filter stop the spicy chemicals from making it into your pee.