Why does splitting an atom create energy? And why is it so much energy?


Why does splitting an atom create energy? And why is it so much energy?

In: 132

24 Answers

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Stuff as we understand it , the chair you are sitting in for example or any physical object is made of energy at its most basic level.

Energy is squashed together and held in place by bonds and that is an atom.

If the bonds are somehow broken then like a balloon popping all that squashed up energy is released.

In a chain reaction like in an atomic bomb, when the first atoms are split and the energy is released , bits fly out and strike nearby atoms and split them. Those atoms release energy and split more nearby atoms and like a spreading fire , one match can start a fire that burns down a building .

TL;DR Some folks think ‘matter’ is large amounts of energy held in a kind of self sustaining containment field with bonds kind of like magnets but not magnets really.

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