The energy creation comes from the escape of heat that can boil water which turns a turbine which creates electricity. As to what is actually happening to the atom, it isn’t creating energy it is being released.
There is a force that binds together the nuclei of an atom, if you break it into two smaller elements, a portion of the nuclear force is released as heat. That is called fission. Fusion is the opposite, you slam two atoms so hard that their nuclei merge. When you do that, you release at least one neutron and with it you release some nuclear force as heat.
In energy production you want this to happen to select groups of nuclei, so you use a ‘slow neutron’ or ‘fast neutron’ reactor. In a bomb you want all of the atoms to split at the same time, thereby releasing all of the forces at the same time.
There are four fundamental forces;
1. Gravity (the weakest by far)
2. The weak force
3. Electromagnetism
4. The strong nuclear force,
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