Why does tap water feel different depending on the area?


I live somewhere where our tap water feels kinda slimy. Every time my relatives from out-of-state visit our home, they always say that it feels like they haven’t completely washed their hands. As if there’s still soap on their hands.

I’ve noticed that in other states and countries, the tap water isn’t slimy at all. This is bad news cause I have dry skin and the water dries out my skin even more. I have no problem with my facial wash that I use on the daily when I’m at home. On vacation, it irritates my face because of the water.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is the water being treated at a local plant or is it coming straight out of a dam, river, creek, or bore? Water if untreated from a creek that is stagnant could possibly have slime in it, water from a river would be less rare as most rivers are running which usually prevents slime build up, the other one would be water out of a dam on a farm again this water is stannant and could have slime in it, water out of a bore should also be ok.

Most treated water will have chlorine in it, and can sometimes smell of chlorine, but it won’t have slime in it, you can usually get rid of this by using a simple carbon filter although this is only useful for drinking, it’s rather hard to do for a shower or bath. The only other option if the water is like this is you’d have to heat up the water to a temperature that would dispose of any bacteria which is very time consuming. Put it in a big tub like they do in those Western movies where some cowboy is taking a bath, put some heat under it then just scoop up all the slime on top and jump in.

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