: why does the air smells like yeast from time to time ?


It usually happens on rainy days and I’ve smelled it in different cities. It only smells when you’re outside. It’s quite rare though, maybe once or twice a year ?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you perhaps referring to [petrichor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrichor)? I’m not sure I’d describe it as “like yeast”, but it’s the characteristic smell of wet soil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well for starters, yeast just floats in the wind so you might be just finding a rare thick patch. Or maybe you are picking up a strong smelling pollen, they can sometimes smell like other things. Around here we have these bushes where the pollen smells like cum. Girls post about it every year.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The ground is full of fungi and microorganisms. When it rains, these organisms come to life and their metabolic processes produce various odors. They may produce spores. There are wild yeasts which will be reproducing in the presence of water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do you live near a brewery or distillery?

Even one at a distance will smell yeasty if the wind is just right.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Note, this is also why you can create sourdough bread starter by putting flour and water into a mason jar and just adding a little more flour/water every few days. The yeast in the air will start to grow in the jar.