Why does the amount of protons in an element wildly change its properties? For example: why is two protons a gas, but suddenly three protons is a metallic solid?


Why does the amount of protons in an element wildly change its properties? For example: why is two protons a gas, but suddenly three protons is a metallic solid?

In: 109

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The number of protons determines the number of electrons, which controls the chemical behavior.

Helium has two electrons. They behave like teenage lovers. So focused on each other that they don’t even notice anyone else.

Lithium has 3. Theres nothing so unstable as a third wheel. They really need to find a partner for the #3. Then they’ll be a stable pair of couples. Failing that, they’ll ditch the third wheel and just be a pair again.

The metaphor starts getting strained after that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s less about the protons and more about the electrons.

The reactivity of an element is directly related to the number of electrons it has in its outer valence shell. The periodic table literally shows you how many electrons will fit in that shell (number of elements in that row) and the number of electrons that element has in that shell (left-most is 1, right most is full).

The farther to the left, the more likely the atom will lose an electron. The right most (with the exception of the noble gases) are more likely to capture an electron. The ones in the middle have more spaces and can gain/load more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The number of protons in an element, also known as its atomic number, plays a fundamental role in determining the properties of the element. The atomic number determines the number and arrangement of electrons in the atom, which in turn influences the chemical and physical properties of the element.

For example, the difference in properties between hydrogen (one proton) and helium (two protons) is due to the number of electrons in their atoms. Hydrogen has one electron, while helium has two, and this difference in the number of electrons determines how the atoms interact with each other and with their surroundings. Helium has a full outer shell of electrons, which makes it inert and stable, while hydrogen only has one electron in its outer shell, making it highly reactive and unstable.

Similarly, the difference between lithium (three protons) and helium (two protons) is due to the arrangement of electrons in their atoms. Lithium has three electrons, two of which are in its inner shells and one in its outermost shell, while helium has two electrons in its innermost shell. The electron arrangement of lithium makes it more likely to lose its outermost electron, which gives it metallic properties, while helium’s full outer shell makes it inert.

Therefore, the number of protons in an element affects the arrangement and behavior of electrons in its atoms, which in turn determines its chemical and physical properties. This is why even a small change in the number of protons can result in a significant difference in the properties of the element.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The number of protons in an element, also known as its atomic number, plays a fundamental role in determining the properties of the element. The atomic number determines the number and arrangement of electrons in the atom, which in turn influences the chemical and physical properties of the element.

For example, the difference in properties between hydrogen (one proton) and helium (two protons) is due to the number of electrons in their atoms. Hydrogen has one electron, while helium has two, and this difference in the number of electrons determines how the atoms interact with each other and with their surroundings. Helium has a full outer shell of electrons, which makes it inert and stable, while hydrogen only has one electron in its outer shell, making it highly reactive and unstable.

Similarly, the difference between lithium (three protons) and helium (two protons) is due to the arrangement of electrons in their atoms. Lithium has three electrons, two of which are in its inner shells and one in its outermost shell, while helium has two electrons in its innermost shell. The electron arrangement of lithium makes it more likely to lose its outermost electron, which gives it metallic properties, while helium’s full outer shell makes it inert.

Therefore, the number of protons in an element affects the arrangement and behavior of electrons in its atoms, which in turn determines its chemical and physical properties. This is why even a small change in the number of protons can result in a significant difference in the properties of the element.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The number of protons determines the number of electrons, which controls the chemical behavior.

Helium has two electrons. They behave like teenage lovers. So focused on each other that they don’t even notice anyone else.

Lithium has 3. Theres nothing so unstable as a third wheel. They really need to find a partner for the #3. Then they’ll be a stable pair of couples. Failing that, they’ll ditch the third wheel and just be a pair again.

The metaphor starts getting strained after that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The number of protons determines the number of electrons, which controls the chemical behavior.

Helium has two electrons. They behave like teenage lovers. So focused on each other that they don’t even notice anyone else.

Lithium has 3. Theres nothing so unstable as a third wheel. They really need to find a partner for the #3. Then they’ll be a stable pair of couples. Failing that, they’ll ditch the third wheel and just be a pair again.

The metaphor starts getting strained after that.