why does the body get hot and sweaty when having feelings like excitement or happiness?


Now im aware that this is a normal thing but you never hear it when it comes to positive happy emotions its always negative with like anxiety and worry. My question is why and how does this happen with positive emotions too?I guess i just dint understand the process.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Preparing for action.

The things that make you happy in a sweaty way are the dopamine things: Danceing, sex, festivals, watching football, roller coasters…

Your body is preparing for all the hard work it will have to do during those things, not understanding the difference between watching and playing football, or the difference between sitzing in a roller coaster and fighting for your life.

Other things that make you happy, like reading a book on a rainy day, having a nap, taking a bath, painting… do not make you sweaty, they are the serotonine things, where your body doesn’t expect any quick or demanding actions.

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