Why does the human body jerk/shock itself awake sometimes while trying to sleep?


Why does the human body jerk/shock itself awake sometimes while trying to sleep?

In: 2959

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not answering the questionas it seems to have been answered and explained in the comments, but I have a (hopefully) humorous anecdote:

My boyfriend is *very* skittish, and one night I must have have the same kind of random jerk in my sleep. I woke up to my boyfriend screaming out.

A half hour later the paramedics were round diagnosing him with a mild concussion. The silly twat had jumped so badly at my hypnic jerk that he fell out of bed and nutted the bedside table.

We laugh about it now, but I had a good few days of stank eye off him for that one. Ha ha.

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