Why does the parent-child brain misfire for people who are pedophiles?


Why does the parent-child brain misfire for people who are pedophiles?

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While it’s not known why pedophilia occurs, it’s documented in other primates along with infanticide. One theory on infanticide that I learned in anthropology class is that it confers a selective advantage to males who kill other males’ offspring by increasing the fertility of the infant’s mother by causing the cessation of breastfeeding and associated hormonal changes, and increases the male’s chance of successfully breeding with that female. While I’m unsure if the same logic would apply to pedophilia, one could argue that pedophilia may be a precursor behavior associated with infanticide and is thus an evolutionary holdover from when our ancestors lived in small groups like primates do.

so if you’re a protohuman or a related primate, basically

1. become attracted to a child

2. unalive the child in the course of pursuing your own sexual gratification

3. bang the child’s mom

4. ???

5. profit

(apes are horrible creatures sometimes)