Why does the streaming service and video game console industry have titles exclusive to one platform while most music is available on most music platforms?


Why does the streaming service and video game console industry have titles exclusive to one platform while most music is available on most music platforms?

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4 Answers

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The music industry is completely different from the video game industry in both their product and their technology.

Music, once it is in a digital form, can be shared across almost any device, from your phone to your tablet to a television. This is because almost all devices can play digital audio and video files like mp3 or mp4 or convert them into something the system can understand and play it, pretty easily. Even music on a service that says it’s exclusive can’t be for long because music is easily rippable or can be recorded.

Video games, on the other hand, are much more complex. Think of all the consoles, phones and computers that people play video games on. Now think about all the controllers, joysticks, screens and TouchPads that you have to use to control video games. Well, there are no easy ways to convert those games between different devices so that they all work the same way like you would with music.

This brings us to exclusivity.
The video game console competition is fierce. manufacturers want to make sure that people buy their consoles. So they release exclusive games to sway customers into buying their console for its game library.

Tldr: Exclusive titles in the video game industry is as a direct result of the complexity of creating video games on different platforms and the console manufacturers incentive to get customers to buy their console and not someone else’s. Music is almost impossible to make exclusive since music is easily converted, so the music industry doesn’t rely on that model.

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