Why does the UK have electrical plugs you have to work on yourself?


In America, our plugs are just one piece. They plug in, they unplug.

But I’ve seen that Brits have to open up the plugs, mess with stuff, screw it back together, and then use it.

Why aren’t British plugs one piece like American ones?

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12 Answers

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The British electrical system allows a higher current to flow, up to 30A over two parallel paths. A fault in a device might draw less current and never trip the circuit breaker. The solution was to put a fuse in the plug of each individual device limiting the power available to it, usually 13A. When it is blown the plug can opened and the fuse replaced. This is easier to do compared to opening up an appliance like a TV which might also contain fuses.

The plug can also be rewired to extend or shorten the cable lead. You don’t need to do it, but the option is open. With a one-piece plug in molded plastic, you have to replace the entire cord and open the appliance to attach a new one.

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