Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Phoenix, etc. I can understand part of the appeal (like Las Vegas), and it’s not like people haven’t lived in desert cities for millenia, but looking at them from Google Earth, they’re absolutely massive and sprawling. How can these places be viable to live in and grow so huge? What’s so appealing to them?
In: 15164
A couple addition things. One being that the trip west took a long time weeks even mo this depending on the size of the convoy so they would need to stop regularly to rest. Those rest stops would be around where you would have to stop and those stops would usually be relatively close to some water source. Over time those rest stops started becoming towns then the other things took over like cheap land/ “freedom” etc. Las Vegas specifically grew because of A. The Air Force base employing a lot of people and B. It was a town where anything goes (more or less) but other desert town sprung up because of mining
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