Why does the water pressure from a shower feel weaker the closer you bring it to your skin?


I use the strong jet from the middle part of a handheld shower to rinse my hair and it’s always been really counterintuitive to me:

The jet can downright sting when it’s at just the right distance, but the closer I bring it to my head, the less I feel it, until it doesn’t feel like any pressure at all when it’s right up against my scalp.

I’d expect the energy to dissipate, and for the jet to get weaker with distance. Why is it the reverse?

In: 3

6 Answers

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This could be related to the fact that your shower head is focusing the smaller jets into a point at a certain distance, if they don’t focus the pressure, then less discomfort is felt at shorter distances.

Gravity may also play some part if the showerhead is pointing downward?

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