Why does time seem to go faster as we get older?


Why does time seem to go faster as we get older?

In: 661

82 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like everyone here, I’m in agreeince. But I’d like to add an analogy that I think some people are glossing over. When we are young our brains are developing, creating neurons , neuro pathways. These are like roads

So as we grew up we had to walk everywhere while road construction crews built roads(and it takes them forever) so it sucked and everything took longer and it was pain.

Than we got a bike and it could speed up a little bit but we had to ride on dirt, so it tiring and still took a long time.

Than roads were done , biking became easier and we could go places faster but we were still limited on far we could go.

Than we got a car, now we could go places faster and new places and further than ever before.

Now we’re old….going places is easy but its a pain, it’s a pain to be on the road, you just wanna get off.

When growing up you just couldn’t wait to get to that point because you knew it was coming so it took forever.
Now that your old your not reaching any point so everything is a nuisance and you just want it to slow down, you just wanna get off the damn roads.

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